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John Tasker

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Everything posted by John Tasker

  1. I have solved this myself so I'll update this forum in case anybody else has the same issue and is looking for a fix. On our print server, selected printer properties for the printer in question. Advanced > Un-ticked the "print spooled documents first" and changed the spool settings to "start printing after last page is spooled".
  2. Thanks Pete. The guys go into OPM where there is an ODC print queue for each day of the month. They select the date in question, then right click on the branch, Print and then Print. The default printer has already been set in the Open printer Selector so nothing to change or set in there. They do each branch in turn. Attached refers.
  3. IPIDs are created along with our policy documents and they are appearing in the ODC print queue correctly alongside the policy documents to which they refer. However when we print out a batch of documents (say an entire days renewals), the IPIDs print out in the wrong order / out of sequence. EG A motor policy may have home IPID document printed in the middle of the letters, renewal schedules for that client or a home policy may have a motor IPID printed within it. This then means that we need to go through all the documents (there could be 000's) and manually slot the right IPID into the right policy type. Surely if an IPID is created alongside a renewal, it should print it correctly as a single set of documents. We have tried changing our printer spool settings but it hasn't helped. I cant work out if this is an ODC Issue, an OPM issue, a printer driver issue or a process issue. Any ideas ? Has anybody else experienced this ?
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