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Mar Rainsby

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Everything posted by Mar Rainsby

  1. OGI have advised that is the process they will take
  2. It is an extract from our server as we are moving data from one branch to another one
  3. Hello I was hoping you might be able to help. I need to run a dbe query to get all data since 01-06-2016 for a migration. That's all I have been provided with. I know DBE is a bit limited - does anyone know what parameters I could use that will give me everything including clients, policies and claims. Thanks
  4. Hi I know there is a module in OGI for record purging is there any way that this can be automated does anyone know?. I am keen to have any information about this. Regards Mar
  5. Thank you Mark for the info I have logged it with OGI and they are looking at it.
  6. Hi we are setting up ODC printing - the file reaches the server queue in OPM and file is shown there however the export part is not working . The document in OPM displays a X and the following into a ( "is an invalid expanded name , has anyone come across anything like this before and know what the issue might be. Thanks
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