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Everything posted by karl

  1. Hi Mark Being as I have built the majority of our personal line products using Scheme Toolkit they are mostly fully automated. We run batchcalcs which amend NCB, index link (if applicable), apply new endorsements (again where applicable) and of course raise the renewal transactions. We then do what you do as in use Client Letter Print to print them out en masse. Kind regards Karl
  2. It can be very handy and one of the better things OGI have produced in recent years. I am not so keen on their pricing strategy i.e. charge per new record created in BROOMS which in effect means OGI are earning commission on every policy you write via this.....
  3. Hi Mark We use X-Stream as part of a bespoke development so we can create/update clients/policies en masse for bordereaux schemes e.g. we receive an excel sheet from broker with a month's worth of NB data and we run it straight into BROOMS via X-Stream to create the client/policy files. Hope this helps. Karl
  4. Hi Admin You may have noticed people keep posting new topics several times - the reason is when you try and post a new topic it appears to time out and then the user tries and tries again, unbeknown to the user the topic is in fact posting fine - hence the multiple posts! Not sure why this is happening or what the solution is (other than awareness of the issue). Cheers Karl
  5. I was going to say Ian Danby is the only independent consultant I know of but then I saw from your post he is unavailable. If you have not already purchased Scheme Toolkit (including extended task flow) from Open gi you will probably need to for decent work process solutions.
  6. It may not be an option - I have not noticed the issue on the other board as being admin allows me to delete all posts including my own. If I get a chance I will browse through the 3,000 settings
  7. Admin I have (as others have in the past) accidentally posted the same post multiple times. Do we not have permission to delete our own posts? Thanks Karl
  8. karl


    So Open gi are now terminating Creditline and enforcing brokers to "upgrade" (££££££££) to Creditline Plus. As a broker who currently do NOT store the card details for future use - are we going to be paying for nothing or are there other aspects which will make us more compliant/efficient?
  9. karl


    So Open gi are now terminating Creditline and enforcing brokers to "upgrade" (££££££££) to Creditline Plus. As a broker who currently do NOT store the card details for future use - are we going to be paying for nothing or are there other aspects which will make us more compliant/efficient?
  10. karl


    So Open gi are now terminating Creditline and enforcing brokers to "upgrade" (££££££££) to Creditline Plus. As a broker who currently do NOT store the card details for future use - are we going to be paying for nothing or are there other aspects which will make us more compliant/efficient?
  11. karl


    So Open gi are now terminating Creditline and enforcing brokers to "upgrade" (££££££££) to Creditline Plus. As a broker who currently do NOT store the card details for future use - are we going to be paying for nothing or are there other aspects which will make us more compliant/efficient?
  12. karl


    So Open gi are now terminating Creditline and enforcing brokers to "upgrade" (££££££££) to Creditline Plus. As a broker who currently do NOT store the card details for future use - are we going to be paying for nothing or are there other aspects which will make us more compliant/efficient?
  13. Hi Mark How are you getting on with this? Have you made any major system changes to date on the back of it? Regards Karl
  14. We only started using MotorWriter last year and I had to build several new frames and setup docs with extended code to get the information we needed correct. All the level three frames look dated and in need of a complete rebuild to my eyes but we are moving away from MotorWriter soon to a web solution for which I will build bespoke frames on Open GI for the data to populate for MI/Accounting.
  15. I have recently asked our Open GI Account Manager if there are any plans to enhance Open Address with view to matching the functionality of QAS. Specifically the ability to search on addresses and not just full postcode and also to pull back the county (both of these points are referenced in the above posts). He has replied:- "there are currently no plans to make any functionality changes. However, this decision may change if we receive enough demand from the customer base." So my question is do any other Open Address users not think these are enhancements which the software should have to make it a full address lookup solution and comparable to QAS etc?
  16. Hi Craig Go into Amend Screen Definition, choose a level 3 frame (preferably one not used any more but if not any should be fine). You don't need to change anything just put a save on it (Esc 7) - when you then leave the Amend Frame section you should once again be offered the option of rebuilding the keyword cache. Cheers Karl
  17. Thanks Ad - fonts seem a little unpredictable as well - judging by some posts by others it is not just me having the problem.
  18. I have noticed some little ‘annoyances’ recently with the forum. When I go into a specific forum it is set to sort the posts into some kind of ‘custom’ order when all I want to see is the latest posts so have to click on the ‘Recently Updated’ tab to get this. Also I am not sure if this is a cache problem on my laptop (sorry not a techie) but I am now often seeing the last thread updated within forums on the main page as not showing the latest update/poster but rather an earlier one.
  19. Has anyone noticed the number of addresses returned with NO county? I have done some research and it seems Royal Mail stopped including counties within its PAF file in December 2000. However QAS (who we used prior to OpenAddress) return Former Postal Counties which means OpenAddress is not using this. We think County information is crucial for MI regarding risk address data - who else here feels OpenAddress should be configured to return the county?
  20. Thanks Aggy - I guess this may be useful for motor then if you have additional frames you add in some cases (which we do).
  21. I wonder what 'Frame Order based on policy type' is? Surely this is what Policy Type Amendment has done for years............?
  22. It seems we cannot override excesses within Active Quote which seems like a big shortcoming to me. We can set/load/discount premiums fine which mirrors the ability to override the premium in MotorWriter so surely this should extend to being able to override the excesses also!
  23. Hi Mark, I have literally looked at Active Quote for the first time yesterday (in training with OGI). Overall it sees quite intuitive and easy to use. The only thing we are awaiting back from OGI is how do we override the excesses? I will give you more feedback once we have built the product applicable and gone live. Regards, Karl
  24. We have starting piloting this a few days ago and so far it is looking fairly good. It works in client screens (BCM/P.CM) by pressing F1 in the first line of the address. If you then enter a full and valid postcode it returns the matches from which you can select one and overwrite the existing address details. It also works in other areas such as Agent Amendment and I have set calcs in our own level three risk frames to invoke it on the first line of any risk addresses when blank. The one thing I would say is this is only any use if you have the FULL and CORRECT postcode. Do not be confused into thinking the Professional version of this does the same as Quick Address Pro and lets you search on street names etc. so you can establish the postcode (very useful for risk addresses when clients are lacking the full details). I have fed this back to OGI and hopefully if this is developed further we will be able to get rid of Quick Address altogether.
  25. I wonder if the users who keep revoking their passwords are forever losing their cards at cashpoints.......

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