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Emily Kennedy

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Posts posted by Emily Kennedy

  1. I am building a new website for internal use, the main feature is to be a lead management system. I would like to use xStream to import client details from Open GI into the website, and to create prospects in Open GI directly from the website.


    The problem is that we purchased xStream many years ago to use with a website built for us by a third party, and nobody in our company has had any training on it.


    Generally, I think the online guides are excellent and I have always found them to contain enough information required to use any of the Open GI products. However, I've found them rather lacking in the case of xStream. There are example scripts to cover different scenarios for which you might use xStream, which I imagine will be very useful once I've established the link between OGI and our website, but I can''t find any information on how the XML data is actually transmitted between Open GI and a web application.


    If any xStream users can give me some pointers I'd really appreciate it.


    Thanks a lot, Emily

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